Services are offered in Santa Barbara and Goleta, CA


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Our Mission:

To bridge the gap between Western Medicine and Preventive Holistic Care through Ayurveda and the Science of Yoga.

Our Vision:

To cultivate one’s inner harmony by offering Ayurveda and the purest form of Yoga to as many people as possible.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. With its roots dating back thousands of years, Ayurveda therapies have stood the test of time and continue to provide effective solutions for modern ailments. At Spa Natures, LLC, Ayurveda Wellness we are proud to offer a range of Ayurvedic products and treatments that harness the power of nature to promote balance and well-being.

Ayurveda,which translates to "the science of life," is based on the belief that health is a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit. By understanding and harmonizing these elements, Ayurveda aims to prevent illness, promote longevity, and enhance overall vitality.

Our Ayurveda therapies are carefully crafted using high quality herbs, oils, natural ingredients and traditional techniques. We believe in the power of nature to heal and restore. 

At Spa Natures, LLC, Ayurveda Wellness we are committed to providing you with the highest quality. Whether you are seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, or relief from specific ailments, our Ayurveda therapies can help you on your journey to wellness.


Our Core Values:

Caring: Treating patients and families with kindness, compassion and respect.
Commitment:Maintaining the highest standards and providing high-quality care at an affordable price.
Excellence:Continuous learning, improvement and professionalism. 
Integrity: Acting ethically and responsibly and only help the ones you can.
Adaptability:Innovate to make Ayurveda and yoga relevant to modern times while keeping its authenticity.


Ayurveda Menu: 

Disclaimer Statement: We do not diagnose or treat diseases. Based on the individual the experiences will vary. Additionally, how well the daily self care and dietary practices after the treatments will also change the post treatment experiences.



According to a quote from the Charaka Samhita, one of the old classical texts of Ayurvedic  PanchaKarma treatments.
“In a person whose digestive system has been cleansed and purified the metabolism is stimulated, disease is reduced, and normal health is maintained. Sense organs, mind, intellect and complexion are improved; strength, good nourishment, healthy progeny and potency are the results. Symptoms of aging do not appear so easily and the person lives long and free from disorders."

For this reason it is important to carry out PanchaKarma correctly and at the right time.”

You can bundle any of the below treatments you are interested. Or experience all of the treatments as a package deal. Offer at a Great value!

FACIALS: Customized facials for your skin type using warm herbs and steam. ~ 20 mins $40

FOOT BATH: Foot bath with our secret recipe to have silky supple feet with  essential oil(s) to your individual need. Bundle with other treatments.                ~20 mins $30

MAMA THERAPY: To stimulate energy points and energy flow by using warm herbal oil and energized creams to restore balance and invigorate oneself. Foot    ~30 to 60 mins starting at $50 to $150.


MAMA FOOT OIL RUB: Customized with hot oil and rub on feet with focus on energy points to rejuvenate your energy flow. Great for dry tired feet. Bundle with other treatments. ~20 mins $40

SWEDANA: Steam infused with customized herbs requires guests to remain in a steam box. To relax your tight muscles, rejuvenate and detoxify. Bundle with other treatments. ~20 mins $40

SHIRODHARA: Warm medical oil pours gently in a slow stream over the forehead by following a pattern. Relaxes the nervous system. Any left over oil used is yours. ~40 mins $120


ABHYANGA:Full-body including head massge or localized warm herbal oil massage. This deeply relaxing treatment not only helps to relieve stress and tension but also improves circulation, detoxifies the body, and promotes a sense of well-being.    ~30 to 60 mins $ 80 to 160


SHIRO-ABHYANGA: Head massage with warm herbal oil.This is one our popular treatments that can be bundled with other treatments. ~20 mins $40

NASYA: Gently customized a few slightly warm oil drops application into the nostrils as well as light strokes on the shoulders, neck and the face .Promote relaxation and cleaning of the nasal cavities. Helpful in clearing sinus cavities and relieving pain in the face, head and neck. ~30 mins $60