Services are offered in Santa Barbara and Goleta, CA


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Why Ayurveda? Why Yoga?

Hello everyone! Thank you for checking us out. 

I am the founder of Spa Natures LLC Ayurveda Wellness. Let me tell you about my journey how and why I started the Ayurveda Wellness and Yoga Center. 

In mid 2021 during the pandemic, when slowly wellness centers were reopening, by fluke I enrolled in a PanchaKarma training program. At that time I heard about Ayurveda when I was in Sri Lanka, where I was born and raised. It was available but now I know I knew very little about its full potential.After the training and all the lovely Panchakarma treatments, I felt rejuvenated and invigorated!

Subsequently, I remember my curiosity to know how we are born and what happens when we die. When I was on Youtube, I came across Sadhguru, who is a powerful yogi, guru, mystic and visionary. At that time I didn't know who he was and the fact that he was well known, 

He was guiding me to know the answers to my very questions. I did yoga at a local center remotely until I found out about the Isha Foundation Sadhguru founded. I didn't know I was getting ready for something bigger than myself.... bigger than anything I had done until that day in mid 2021. And believe me, I have done many things. At that time, I had a profitable Montessori School I had for over 16 years. I got out of it. Subsequently, I embarked on many yoga and meditation programs with the Isha Foundation and with Sadhguru for a year and a half.It was a transformative experience for me!

Following those experiences, I went back to engineering, but the pull towards learning Ayurveda remained. In late 2023, I enrolled in Ayurveda Wellness Counselor program at Southern California University of Health Science and I am now continuing my journey to become a practitioner. I have a Panchakarma Certification from Maharani Academy.

Before I completely invested myself in running the Montessori School for 6 years, I worked in several leading BioTech and Homeopathy companies, in regulatory, quality and logistics positions. I bring 16 years of business experience. My bachelors degree is from University of Southern California Santa Barbara in Chemical Engineering and emphasis in process control. 

I like spending time with my dog and my family. Anything to do with nature, hiking, travel, cooking and gardening are my hobbies. 

I can truly say that I am a more joyful and content person!

I feel Ayurveda and yoga was  chosen for me so I can guide many people to be healthy and find their inner harmony and joy.Â